Assisting in development of advanced preclinical models
OncoBone has strong expertise in novel and traditional preclinical models for oncology and bone diseases, and we can help you to establish these models in-house.
We are happy to provide our assistance by teaching the basics, technical and scientific background, arranging practical hands-on workshops, and writing working instructions specifically for your laboratory. Ideally, all relevant information for performing these models will be transferred to your laboratory and you will be able to perform studies in-house with high confidence.
Modeling of cancer metastasis, and especially bone metastasis, is one of OncoBone’s unique fields of expertise. Studying metastasis is of high importance as the majority of cancer-related deaths are caused by metastases. Finding novel compounds that would diminish the growth of metastases is of high interest for many pharma and biotech companies. However, most metastatic microenvironments are unique and the tumors growing in different metastatic locations respond differently to therapies. Therefore, appropriate preclinical models should be used for predictive and translational research. See more information about these models from the list of selected references below.