Oncobone and its founders
Over 20 years of experience in leading biomedical research and business.

About Us

OncoBone was established in 2020 by Dr. Jussi Halleen and Dr. Tiina Kähkönen.

The business idea behind OncoBone was developed over the years and was strongly influenced by discussions with many pharma and biotech representatives. Based on these discussions we identified many needs that we could not manage in our previous positions. Common factor for these needs was to have a third-party member to manage various lines of communication between different parties for more efficient research, which would fasten the turnaround time of research programs.

Jussi Halleen, Ph.D.

Jussi Halleen, Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Halleen has a Ph.D. in bone biology and diagnostics and he is adjunct professor in the University of Oulu, Finland. He was the founder of a preclinical CRO and the CEO for over 20 years.

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Tiina Kähkönen, Ph.D.

Tiina Kähkönen, Ph.D.

Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. Kähkönen has a Ph.D. in cancer biology and drug research in the University of Turku, Finland. She worked in a preclinical CRO first as a Research Director and later as the CSO.

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