Kähkönen TE, Halleen JM, MacRitchie G, Andersson R, Bernoulli J 2023 Insights into immuno-oncology drug development landscape with focus on bone metastasis. Front. Immunol. 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2023.1121878
Kähkönen TE, Halleen JM, Bernoulli J 2022 Preclinical Osteoimmuno-Oncology Models to Study Effects of Immunotherapies on Bone Metastasis. Chapter in the book Animal Models for the Development of Cancer Immunotherapy, pages 167-209. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Kähkönen TE, Halleen JM, Bernoulli J 2021 Osteoimmuno-Oncology: Therapeutic Opportunities for Targeting Immune Cells in Bone Metastasis. Cells 10(6), 1529; https://doi.org/10.3390/cells10061529
Kähkönen TE, Toriseva M, Petruk N, Virta A-R, Maher A, Eigéliené N, Kaivola J, Boström P, Koskivuo I , Nees M, Tuomela JM, Ivaska KK, Härkönen PL 2020 Effects of FGFR inhibitors TKI258, BGJ398 and AZD4547 on breast cancer cells in 2D, 3D and tissue explant cultures. Cell Oncol (Dordr). doi: 10.1007/s13402-020-00562-0.
Valta M, Ylä-Pelto J, Lan Y, Kähkönen T, Taimen P, Boström PJ, Ettala O, Khan S, Paulin N, Elo LL, Koskinen PJ, Härkönen P, Tuomela J 2020 Critical evaluation of the subcutaneous engraftments of hormone naïve primary prostate cancer. Transl Androl Urol 9(3):1120–1134.
Kähkönen TE, Halleen JM, Bernoulli J 2020 Immunotherapies and metastatic cancers: understanding utility and predictivity of human immune cell engrafted mice in preclinical drug development. Cancers 12(6):1615 (invited review article).
Kähkönen TE, Halleen JM, Bernoulli J 2019 Potential of Targeting Bone Metastases with Immunotherapies. Nov Appro In Can Study 3(3):269-270 (invited review article).
Kähkönen TE, Suominen MI, Mäki-Jouppila JHE, Halleen JM, Tanaka A, Seiler M, Bernoulli J 2019 Human Immune System Increases Breast Cancer-Induced Osteoblastic Bone Growth in a Humanized Mouse Model without Affecting Normal Bone. J Immunol Res 2019/4260987.
Kähkönen TE, Bernoulli J, Halleen JM, Suominen MI 2019 Novel and Conventional Preclinical Models to Investigate Bone Metastasis. Curr Mol Biol Rep 5(1):48-54 (invited review article).
Kähkönen TE, Tuomela JM, Grönroos TJ, Halleen JM, Ivaska KK, Härkönen PL 2018 Dovitinib dilactic acid reduces tumor growth and tumor-induced bone changes in an experimental breast cancer bone growth model. J Bone Oncol 16:100232.
Luukkonen J, Pascual LM, Patlaka C, Lång P, Turunen S, Halleen J, Nousiainen T, Valkealahti M, Tuukkanen J, Andersson G, Lehenkari P 2017 Increased amount of phosphorylated proinflammatory osteopontin in rheumatoid arthritis synovia is associated to decreased tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5B/5A ratio. PLoS One 12(8):e0182904.
Juzeniene A, Bernoulli J, Suominen M, Halleen J, Larsen RH 2018 Antitumor Activity of Novel Bone-seeking, α-emitting 224Ra-solution in a Breast Cancer Skeletal Metastases Model. Anticancer Res 38(4):1947-1955.
Suominen MI, Fagerlund KM, Rissanen JP, Konkol Y, Morko J, Peng Z, Alhoniemi E, Laine S, Corey E, Mumberg D, Ziegelbauer K, Käkönen S, Halleen JM, Vessella R, Scholz A 2017 Radium-223 Inhibits Osseous Prostate Cancer Growth by Dual Targeting of Cancer Cells and Bone Microenvironment in Mouse Models. Clin Cancer Res 23(15):4335-46.
Kähkönen TE, Ivaska KK, Jian M, Büki KG, Väänänen HK, Härkönen PL 2017 Role of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) and FGFR like-1 (FGFRL1) in mesenchymal stromal cell differentiation to osteoblasts and adipocytes. Mol Cell Endocrinol 461:194-204.
Valta M, Fagerlund K, Suominen M, Halleen J, Tuomela J 2015 Importance of microenvironment in preclinical models of breast and prostate cancer. World J Pharmacol 4:47-57 (invited review article).
Kähkönen TE, Härkönen PL 2014 The emerging role of FGF receptors as a potential target in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Management. 3(3):215-18 (invited review article).
Tang C, Liu Y, Qin H, Li X, Guo W, Li J, Wang W, Qu L, Hu H, Xu C, Zheng L, Huang Y, Liu B, Gao H, Halleen JM, Liu X 2013 Clinical significance of serum BAP, TRACP 5b and ICTP as bone metabolic markers for bone metastasis screening in lung cancer patients. Clin Chim Acta 426:102-107.
Suominen MI, Rissanen JP, Käkönen R, Fagerlund KM, Alhoniemi E, Mumberg D, Ziegelbauer K, Halleen JM, Käkönen SM, Scholz A 2013 Survival benefit with radium-223 dichloride in a mouse model of breast cancer bone metastasis. J Natl Cancer Inst 105:908-916.
Määttä JA, Buki KG, Ivaska KK, Nieminen-Pihala V, Elo TD, Kähkönen T, Poutanen M, Härkönen P, Väänänen K 2013 Inactivation of the androgen receptor in bone-forming cells leads to trabecular bone loss in adult female mice. Bonekey Rep 2:440.
Pollari S, Käkönen RS, Mohammad KS, Rissanen JP, Halleen JM, Wärri A, Nissinen L, Pihlavisto M, Marjamäki A, Perälä M, Guise TA, Kallioniemi O, Käkönen SM 2012 Heparin-like polysaccharides reduce osteolytic bone destruction and tumor growth in a mouse model of breast cancer bone metastasis. Mol Cancer Res 10:597-604.
Tarkkonen KM, Nilsson EM, Kähkönen TE, Dey JH, Heikkilä JE, Tuomela JM, Liu QL, Hynes NE, Härkönen PL 2012 Differential roles of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) 1, 2 and 3 in the regulation of S115 breast cancer cell growth. PlosONE 7(11):e49970.
Strube A, Suominen MI, Rissanen JP, Mumberg D, Klar U, Halleen JM, Käkönen SM 2011 The anti-tumor agent sagopilone shows antiresorptive effects both in vitro and in vivo. Osteoporos Int 22:2887-2893.
Rissanen JP, Halleen JM 2010 Models and screening assays for drug discovery in osteoporosis. Expert Opin Drug Discov 5:1163-1174 (invited review article).
Ylipahkala H, Fagerlund KM, Janckila AJ, Houston B, Laurie D, Halleen JM 2009 Specificity and clinical performance of two commercial TRACP 5b immunoassays. Clin Lab 55:223-238.
Rissanen JP, Ylipahkala H, Fagerlund KM, Long C, Väänänen HK, Halleen JM 2009 Improved methods for testing antiresorptive compounds in human osteoclast cultures. J Bone Miner Metab 27:105-109.
Avnet S, Longhi A, Salerno M, Halleen JM, Perut F, Granchi D, Ferrari S, Bertoni F, Giunti A, Baldini N 2008 Increased osteoclast activity is associated with aggressiveness of osteosarcoma. Int J Oncol 33:1231-1238.
Fagerlund KM, Janckila AJ, Ylipahkala H, Tiitinen SL, Nenonen A, Cheng S, Uusi-Rasi K, Yam LT, Väänänen HK, Halleen JM 2008 Clinical performance of six different serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase assays for monitoring alendronate treatment. Clin Lab 54:347-354.
Rissanen JP, Suominen MI, Peng Z, Morko J, Rasi S, Risteli J, Halleen JM 2008 Short-Term Changes in Serum PINP Predict Long-Term Changes in Trabecular Bone in the Rat Ovariectomy Model. Calcif Tissue Int 82:155-161.
Rissanen JP, Suominen MI, Peng Z, Halleen JM 2008 Secreted Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b is a Marker of Osteoclast Number in Human Osteoclast Cultures and the Rat Ovariectomy Model. Calcif Tissue Int 82:108-115.
Muhonen P, Avnet S, Parthasarathy RN, Janckila AJ, Halleen JM, Laitala-Leinonen T, Väänänen HK 2007 Sequence and TLR9 independent increase of TRACP expression by antisense DNA and siRNA molecules. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 359:889-895.
Narva M, Rissanen J, Halleen J, Vapaatalo H, Väänänen K, Korpela R 2007 Effects of bioactive peptide, valyl-prolyl-proline (VPP), and lactobacillus helveticus fermented milk containing VPP on bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Ann Nutr Metab 51:65-74.
Halleen JM, Tiitinen SL, Ylipahkala H, Fagerlund KM, Väänänen HK 2006 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) as a marker of bone resorption. Clin Lab 52:499-509.
Korpela J, Tiitinen SL, Hiekkanen H, Halleen JM, Selander KS, Väänänen HK, Suominen P, Helenius H, Salminen E 2006 Serum TRACP 5b and ICTP as markers of bone metastases in breast cancer. Anticancer Res 26:3127-3132.
Fagerlund KM, Ylipahkala H, Tiitinen SL, Janckila AJ, Hamilton S, Mäentausta O, Väänänen HK, Halleen JM 2006 Effects of proteolysis and reduction on phosphatase and ROS-generating activity of human tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. Arch Biochem Biophys 449:1-7.
Wang Q, Alen M, Nicholson PH, Halleen JM, Alatalo SL, Ohlsson C, Suominen H, Cheng S 2006 Differential effects of sex hormones on peri- and endocortical bone surfaces in pubertal girls. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91:277-282.
Salminen E, Ala-Houhala M, Korpela J, Varpula M, Tiitinen SL, Halleen JM, Väänänen HK 2005 Serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b) as a marker of skeletal changes in prostate cancer. Acta Oncol 44:742-747.
Nenonen A, Cheng S, Ivaska KK, Alatalo SL, Lehtimäki T, Schmidt-Gayk H, Uusi-Rasi K, Heinonen A, Kannus P, Sievänen H, Vuori I, Väänänen HK, Halleen JM 2005 Serum TRACP 5b Is a Useful Marker for Monitoring Alendronate Treatment: Comparison With Other Markers of Bone Turnover. J Bone Miner Res 20:1804-1812.
Perez-Amodio S, Vogels IM, Schoenmaker T, Jansen DC, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Beertsen W, Everts V 2005 Endogenous expression and endocytosis of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) by osteoblast-like cells. Bone 36:1065-1077.
Räisänen SR, Alatalo SL, Ylipahkala H, Halleen JM, Cassady AI, Hume DA, Väänänen HK 2005 Macrophages overexpressing tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase show altered profile of free radical production and enhanced capacity of bacterial killing. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 331:120-126.
Janckila AJ, Parthasarathy RN, Parthasarathy LK, Seelan RS, Hsueh YC, Rissanen J, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Yam LT 2005 Properties and expression of human tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5a by monocyte-derived cells. J Leukoc Biol 77:209-218.
Vääräniemi J, Halleen JM, Kaarlonen K, Ylipahkala H, Alatalo SL, Andersson G, Kaija H, Vihko P, Väänänen HK 2004 Intracellular machinery for matrix degradation in bone-resorbing osteoclasts. J Bone Miner Res 19:1432-1440.
Narva M, Halleen J, Väänänen K, Korpela R 2004 Effects of Lactobacillus helveticus fermented milk on bone cells in vitro. Life Sci 75:1727-1734.
Gerdhem P, Ivaska KK, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Hellman J, Isaksson A, Pettersson K, Väänänen HK, Åkesson K, Obrant KJ 2004 Biochemical markers of bone metabolism and prediction of fracture in elderly women. J Bone Miner Res 19:386-393.
Alatalo SL, Ivaska KK, Waguespack SG, Econs MJ, Väänänen HK, Halleen JM 2004 Osteoclast-derived serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b in Albers-Schonberg disease (type II autosomal dominant osteopetrosis). Clin Chem 50:883-890.
Halleen JM, Räisänen S, Alatalo SL, Väänänen HK 2003 Potential function for the ROS-generating activity of TRACP. J Bone Miner Res 18:1908-1911.
Uusi-Rasi K, Kannus P, Cheng S, Sievanen H, Pasanen M, Heinonen A, Nenonen A, Halleen J, Fuerst T, Genant H, Vuori I 2003 Effect of alendronate and exercise on bone and physical performance of postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. Bone 33:132-143.
Cheng S, Tylavsky F, Kroger H, Karkkainen M, Lyytikainen A, Koistinen A, Mahonen A, Alen M, Halleen J, Vaananen K, Lamberg-Allardt C 2003 Association of low 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations with elevated parathyroid hormone concentrations and low cortical bone density in early pubertal and prepubertal Finnish girls. Am J Clin Nutr 78(3):485-492.
Ylipahkala H, Halleen JM, Kaija H, Vihko P, Vaananen HK 2003 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5B circulates in human serum in complex with alpha2-macroglobulin and calcium. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 308(2):320-324.
Halleen JM 2003 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5B is a specific and sensitive marker of bone resorption. Anticancer Res 23(2A):1027-1029.
Cheng S, Sievanen H, Heinonen A, Uusi-Rasi K, Carbone L, Tylavsky F, Halleen J, Kannus P 2003 Does hysterectomy with ovarian conservation affect bone metabolism and density? J Bone Miner Metab 21:12-16.
Alatalo SL, Peng Z, Janckila AJ, Kaija H, Vihko P, Väänänen HK, Halleen JM 2003 A novel immunoassay for the determination of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b from rat serum. J Bone Miner Res 18:134-139.
Halleen JM, Ylipahkala H, Alatalo SL, Janckila AJ, Heikkinen JE, Suominen H, Cheng S, Väänänen HK 2002 Serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b, but not 5a, correlates with other markers of bone turnover and bone mineral density. Calcif Tissue Int 71:20-25.
Kaija H, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Lindkvist Y, Schneider G, Väänänen HK, Vihko P 2002 Phosphatase and Oxygen Radical Generating Activities of Mammalian Purple Acid Phosphatase are Functionally Independent. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 292:128-132.
Janckila AJ, Neustadt DH, Nakasato YR, Halleen JM, Hentunen T, Yam LT 2002 Serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoforms in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Chim Acta 320:49-58.
Alakangas A, Selander K, Mulari M, Halleen J, Lehenkari P, Mönkkönen J, Salo J, Väänänen HK 2002 Alendronate disturbs vesicular trafficking in osteoclasts. Calcif Tissue Int 70:40-47.
Lindberg MK, Moverare S, Skrtic S, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Mohan S, Gustafsson J-Å, Ohlsson C 2002 Two different pathways for the maintenance of trabecular bone in adult male mice. J Bone Miner Res 17:555-562.
Halleen JM, Alatalo SL, Janckila AJ, Woitge HW, Seibel MJ, Väänänen HK 2001 Serum Tartrate-resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b is a Specific and Sensitive Marker of Bone Resorption. Clin Chem 47:597-600.
Halleen JM, Ranta R 2001 Tartrate-resistant Acid Phosphatase as a Serum Marker of Bone Resorption. Am Clin Lab 20:29-30 (invited review article).
Räisänen S, Halleen JM, Alatalo SL, Parikka VP, Väänänen HK 2001 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase facilitates hydroxyl radical formation and co-localizes with phagocytosed Staphylococcus aureus in alveolar macrophages. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 288:142-150.
Parikka V, Lehenkari P, Sassi ML, Halleen J, Risteli J, Härkönen P, Väänänen HK 2001 Estrogen reduces the depth of resorption pits by disturbing the organic matrix degradation activity of mature osteoclasts. Endocrinology 142:5371-5378.
Lindberg MK, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Gustafsson J-Å, Ohlsson C 2001 Estrogen Receptor Specificity in the Regulation of Skeletal Growth and Trabecular BMD in Female Mice. J Endocrinol 171:229-236.
Lindberg MK, Vidal O, Erlandsson M, Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Carlsten H, Gustafsson J-Å, Ohlsson C 2001 Estrogen receptor alpha, but not estrogen receptor beta, is involved in the regulation of the OPG/ODF ratio and serum IL-6 in male mice. J Endocrinol 171:425-433.
SurveVV, Andersson N, Alatalo SL, Lehto-Axtelius D, Halleen JM, Väänänen HK, Håkanson R 2001 Does Combined Gastrectomy and Ovariectomy induce greater Osteopenia in Young Female Rats than Gastrectomy alone? Calcif Tissue Int 69:274-280.
Halleen JM, Alatalo SL, Suominen H, Cheng S, Janckila AJ, Väänänen HK 2000 Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase 5b, a Novel Serum Marker of Bone Resorption. J Bone Miner Res 15:1337-1345.
Alatalo SL, Halleen JM, Hentunen TA, Mönkkönen J, Väänänen HK 2000 Rapid screening method for osteoclast differentiation in vitro that measures tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b activity secreted into the culture medium. Clin Chem 46:1751-1754.
Väänänen HK, Zhao H, Mulari M, Halleen JM 2000 The cell biology of osteoclast function. J Cell Sci 113:377-381 (invited review article).
Halleen JM, Räisänen S, Salo JJ, Hentunen TA, Reddy SV, Roodman DG, Lehenkari PP, Kaija H, Vihko P, Väänänen HK 1999 Intracellular fragmentation of bone resorption products by reactive oxygen species generated by osteoclastic tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. J Biol Chem 274:22907-22910.
Halleen JM, Karp M, Viloma S, Laaksonen P, Hellman J, Käkönen SM, Stepan JJ, Holmes SD, Väänänen HK, Pettersson K 1999 Two-Site Immunoassays for Osteoclastic Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase Based on Characterization of Six Monoclonal Antibodies. J Bone Miner Res 14:464-469.
Nakasato YR, Janckila AJ, Halleen JM, Väänänen HK, Walton SP, Yam LT 1999 Clinical significance of immunoassays for type 5 tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. Clin Chem 45:2150-2157.
Halleen JM, Hentunen TA, Karp M, Käkönen SM, Pettersson K, Väänänen HK 1998 A Direct Two-Site Immunoassay for Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase. J Bone Miner Res 13:683-687
Halleen JM, Kaija H, Stepan JJ, Vihko P, Väänänen HK 1998 Studies on the protein tyrosine phosphatase activity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase. Arch Biochem Biophys 352:97-102.
Halleen J, Hentunen TA, Hellman J, Väänänen HK 1996 Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase: Purification and Development of an Immunoassay. J Bone Miner Res 11:1444-1452.
Uitto L, Halleen J, Hentunen T, Höyhtyä M and Syväoja JE 1994 Structural relationship between DNA polymerases e and e* and their occurrence in eukaryotic cells. Nucl Acids Res 25:244-247.
Uitto, L, Halleen J, Remes, P, Kesti, T and Syväoja, JE 1992 The 3′-5′ exonuclease associated with HeLa DNA polymerase epsilon. Chromosoma 102:142-146.
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